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1,遵守法律:加拿大的建国原则之一是法律条例 --- 个人和政府均被法律管理,而非出自于随心所欲的任意行为。没有任何人或任何团体可以凌驾于法律之上。

2,对自己和自己的家庭负责:获得一份工作、照顾自己的家庭、依个人能力努力的工作,这些是加拿大人重要的价值观--- 工作贡献带来我们个人的尊严、自我的尊重、以及加拿大社会的繁荣昌盛。



5,在社区中帮助他人:数百万义工自愿的捐出了他(她)们的时间帮助他人而不求回报 --- 帮助他人于需要之时,协助您孩子的学校,义务在食物救济所或其他慈善机构工作、鼓励新移民融入。义务工作是一个可获得实用技能、发展朋友及社会联系的上佳方式。


In Canada, rights come with responsibilities. These include:

· Obeying the law — One of Canada’s founding principles is the rule of law. Individuals and governments are regulated by laws and not by arbitrary actions. No person or group is above the law.

· Taking responsibility for oneself and one’s family — Getting a job, taking care of one’s family and working hard in keeping with one’s abilities are important Canadian values. Work contributes to personal dignity and self-respect, and to Canada’s prosperity.

· Serving on a jury — When called to do so, you are legally required to serve. Serving on a jury is a privilege that makes the justice system work as it depends on impartial juries made up of citizens.

· Voting in elections — The right to vote comes with a responsibility to vote in federal, provincial or territorial and local elections.

· Helping others in the community — Millions of volunteers freely donate their time to help others without pay—helping people in need, assisting at your child’s school, volunteering at a food bank or other charity, or encouraging newcomers to integrate. Volunteering is an excellent way to gain useful skills and develop friends and contacts.

· Protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment — Every citizen has a role to play in avoiding waste and pollution while protecting Canada’s natural, cultural and architectural heritage for future generations.

以上英文资讯来源于加拿大公民和移民部官方网站 Citizenship and Immigration Canada:www.cic.gc.ca。

具体文件出自2012年10月17日官方网站版的加拿大公民入籍考试指南:《Discover Canada》,请您务必及时至网站更新信息,以免错过政府新的修订版本,谢谢!

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