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在西餐厅喝茶Drink tea in a western restaurant

2019-01-07 北美小鱼儿

因为我们上次在一家名为“Chop Steakhouse Bar”的牛排餐厅有非常愉快的经历,所以我们昨天再去那里吃晚饭。 这次我没有点任何啤酒或鸡尾酒。 我点了一份叫做“洋甘菊”的花茶儿。

侍者在我面前放了一个茶壶和一个杯子。 茶叶释放出非常丰富,浓郁,甜美和诱人的香气。 我等不及喝一杯了。

我很惊讶地发现它实际上不像往常那样是一个茶包; 相反,一些散茶片漂浮在茶壶里。 你知道,在这里,我们总是看到小茶包 - 基本上茶儿都用一个个纸袋或布袋密封 - 当你想喝茶时,你只需将茶袋放入一个杯子里倒入热水即可。

在这里看到罐装的茶叶很不寻常。 我还记得我给我的公公婆婆送了两罐茶叶(也许那些茶不如我的博客朋友“茶儿”的茶那么好,但我敢打赌它也是非常高级的 - 我妈妈从中国寄茶给我 - 我想茶一定比邮费贵。)

然而,我的公婆似乎并不喜欢我给他们的茶。 因为有一天我给公公泡茶,他问是茶袋还是茶叶(据我理解,这意味着他希望避免茶叶)。 当我回答是茶包时,我可以看到他脸上的微妙放松的表情。 现在我明白这里的人们不能很好地应付散茶叶(他们只喝茶包)。

然而,出乎意料的是,在这家西餐厅,我得到了一壶有茶叶的茶儿。 嗯,等一下; 我似乎需要一些智慧才能把茶儿从茶壶中倒出来。 首先,茶壶顶部没有过滤器 - 甚至没有壶口(或壶嘴儿)。 我该怎么办才能把茶倒出来而且不把茶叶跟着倒出来? 我问我老公寻求帮助,他试过,但是说 - 对不起,亲爱的,我帮不了你。 我把茶壶抬起来检查了底部 - 似乎有一个洞 - 我轻轻戳了一下茶壶的底部 - 哇! 我的桌子被淹了 - 一些茶水流出来,溅在我的桌子上。

最后,我知道了如何使用这个茶壶套装。 我只需将茶壶放在杯子的顶部,然后茶会从底孔流出。 多么巧妙的设计! 然而,我花了很多精力和时间来弄清楚如何使用它。 侍者甚至没有向我展示。

最后,我真的很喜欢我的花茶儿 - 我喝了三轮 - 事实上,当我在喝茶的同时玩茶壶时,我很开心。

开胃菜是牛排丁和蟹饼。 晚餐是我老公和我点的牛排和我儿子点的汉堡。

我戴着我婆婆给我的项链和手镯,正好地和餐厅的装饰相搭 - 时尚而现代(我婆婆在挑选首饰时很有品味)。哈哈哈~~~

Because last time we had very pleasant experience in a steakhouse named “Chop Steakhouse Bar”, we went there again to have dinner yesterday. This time I did not order any beer, cocktail, or liquor. I ordered a flower tea called “chamomile”.

The waiter placed a teapot and a mug in front of me. The tea released very rich, strong, sweet, and attractive aroma. I could not wait to drink a cup.

I was surprised to see actually it was not a tea bag as usual; instead, some loose tea pieces were floating in the teapot. You know, here, we always see small teabags – basically individual amount of tea is sealed in a paper or fabric bag – when you want to drink a tea, then you just put the teabag in a mug and pour hot water in.

It is very unusual to see loose tea in cans here. I still remember I gave two cans of loose tea to my parents-in-law (maybe those tea is not as good as the tea that my blog friend “Cha Er” has but I bet it was very high-end as well – my mom sent the tea to me from China – I guess it must be more expensive than the postage).

However, it seems my parents-in-law did not enjoy the tea I gave to them. Because one day when I served tea to my father-in-law, he asked if it was tea bags or loose tea leaves (which implied he would like to avoid loose tealeaves, as I understand). When I answered it would be tea bags, I could see subtle relief on his face. Now I understand that people here cannot handle loose tea very well (they only drink teabag).

Nevertheless, unexpectedly, in this western food restaurant, I was served with a teapot with loose tea. Hmmm, wait a minute; it seems I need some intelligence to pour the tea out of the teapot. First, there is no screen or filter on the top of the pot – even no spout. What should I do to pour the tea out without pouring tealeaves out as well? I asked help from my husband, he tried but said – sorry honey, I cannot help you. I lifted the pot up and examined the bottom – it seems there is a hole – I poked the bottom of the pot very gently – darn! My table was flooded – some tea flow out and splashed on my table.

Finally, I figured out how to use this teapot set. I just have to put the pot on the top of the cup and then tea will drain out from the bottom hole. What a clever design! However, it took me so much effort and time to figure out how to use it. The waiter even did not show it to me.

In the end, I really enjoyed my flower tea – I drunk three rounds – in fact, I had a lot of fun when I played the teapot while drinking the tea.

The appetizers were steak bits and crab cakes. The dinner was steaks for my hubby and me and burger for my son.

I wore the necklace and bracelets my mother-in-law gave me, which coincidentally matched the decoration of the restaurant - chic and modern (my mother-in-law has a good taste when choosing jeweleries). Ha ha ha ~~~

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