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学习经验交流:Spelling (4)

Attaching Prefixes and Suffixes: Bits and Pieces

Prefixes are word parts you add to the beginning of a word to change its meaning; suffixes are word parts you add to the end of a word to change its meaning. Because many useful words are created by adding prefixes and suffixes to root words, you can save a lot of time wondering “Did I spell this sucker correctly?” by knowing how to add prefixes and suffixes. Let's take a look at the guidelines.

Attaching Prefixes: Front-End Collision
The rule here is simple: Don't add or omit a letter when you attach a prefix. Keep all the letters—every one of them. Here are some examples.

Prefix Word New Word
dis + satisfied = dissatisfied
mis + spell = misspell
un + acceptable = unacceptable
re + election = reelection
inter + related = interrelated

Attaching Suffixes: Rear-End Collision
Keep all the letters when you add a suffix … unless the word ends in a y or a silent e. We'll talk about them later. The following chart and guidelines show you how to master the suffix situation.

Word Suffix New Word
accidental + ly = accidentally
drunken + ness = drunkenness
ski + ing = skiing
foresee + able = foreseeable

If the letter before the final y is a consonant, change the y to i and add the suffix. Study these examples. Word Suffix New Word
hurry + ed = hurried
greedy + ly = greedily

Hurry doesn't follow the rule: hurry + ing = hurrying. Here are some other exceptions: dryly, dryness, shyly, shyness, babyish, ladylike.
If the letter before the final y is a vowel, do not change the y before attaching a suffix. Word Suffix New Word
play + ing = playing
destroy + ed = destroyed

Here are some exceptions: laid, paid, said, mislaid, underpaid, unsaid.
If the suffix begins with a vowel, drop the silent e. Here are some examples. Word Suffix New Word
write + ing = writing
love + able = lovable
use + age = usage

When the word ends in ce or ge, keep the e if the suffix begins with a or o: noticeable, manageable, advantageous. Here are some common exceptions: acreage, mileage, singeing, canoeing, hoeing.
If the suffix begins with a consonant, keep the silent e. Here are some examples. Word Suffix New Word
excite + ment = excitement
care + ful = careful
fierce + ly = fiercely

Of course there are some exceptions: argument, duly, truly, wholly, and ninth.
If the word ends in ie, drop the e and change the i to y. Check out these examples. Word Suffix New Word
lie + ing = lying
die + ing = dying
tie + ing = tying

Add ly to change an adjective to an adverb. Here are some examples.

Word Suffix New Word
brave + ly = bravely
calm + ly = calmly

If the adjective ends in ic, add al before ly.

Word Al Suffix New Word
drastic + al + ly = drastically
scientific + al + ly = scientifically

If the adjective ends in ble, change ble to bly.
Word New Word
able ably
noble nobly

In a one-syllable word, double the final consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel. Word Suffix New Word

plan + er = planner
big + est = biggest

Don't double the final consonant if it comes after two vowels or another consonant. For example: failed, stooped, warmer, lasting.
In a word of two or more syllables, double the final consonant only if it is in an accented syllable before a suffix beginning with a vowel. Here are some examples: Word Suffix New Word

defer + ed = deferred
resubmit + ing = resubmitting

Don't double the final consonant if it comes after two vowels or another consonant. For example: obtained, concealed, abducting, commendable.

If a words ends in ic, insert a k after the c. Word Suffix New Word

mimic + ing = mimicking
traffic + ing = trafficking

There's only one hint for adding able or ible: an adjective usually ends in -able if you can trace it back to a noun ending in -ation. Sensible is the exception. Noun Adjective
adaptation adaptable
commendation commendable

But there are many words that don't fit this rule, so this isn't the rule to have tattooed on your palm.
Go for the Gusto
In the space provided, spell each misspelled word correctly.

1. dissorganized ___________
2. diservice ___________
3. disagreable ___________
4. lazyness ___________
5. acrage ___________
6. unatural ___________
7. suddeness ___________
8. costlyness ___________
9. mislayd ___________
10. truely ___________

1.disorganized 6. unnatural
2. disservice 7. suddenness
3. disagreeable 8. costliness
4. laziness 9. mislaid
5. acreage 10. truly

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